Hyperfine structure of hydrogenlike thallium isotopes

The hyperfine splitting of the 1s ground state of hydrogenlike Tl has been measured for the two stable isotopes using emission spectroscopy in the SuperEBIT electron-beam ion trap, giving 3858.22±0.30Å for 203Tl80+ and 3821.84±0.34Å for 205Tl80+ with a wavelength difference Δλ=36.38±0.35Å. This difference is consistent with estimates based on hyperfine anomaly data for neutral Tl only if finite size effects are included in the calculation. By using previously determined nuclear magnetic moments, and applying appropriate corrections for the nuclear charge distribution and radiative effects, the experimental splittings can be interpreted in terms of nuclear magnetization radii rm21/2=5.83(14)fm for 203Tl and rm21/2=5.89(14)fm for 205Tl. These values are 10% larger than derived from single-particle nuclear magnetization models, and are slightly larger than the corresponding charge distributions.