Evaluation of a training course on sexual counselling in a drug work setting

It has been repeatedly reported that while risks associated with the injecting behaviour of drug users has been reduced, no parallel changes have been made in sexual risk behaviour. Counselling advice to clients attending drug unit services has not focused sufficiently on the sexual behaviour of this client group. The present study evaluates the impact of a 4-day tailored training course on the counselling practices of two teams of drug workers at a London hospital. The course was designed following the experience and evaluation of a more general training course on sexual issues, and included information, group discussions, experiential learning and skills training. Results indicate that though there were no significant behavioural changes, some attitudinal changes have taken place; training appears to have increased the staff's awareness of the importance of sexual counselling and reduced the perceived difficulty of discussing certain specific sexual issues. The implications of single-agency training courses are discussed and recommendations are made for future training courses on the basis of the findings of this study.