Thyroid nuclear factor 1 (TTF-1) contains a homeodomain and displays a novel DNA binding specificity.

The cDNA for TTF‐1, a thyroid nuclear factor that binds to the promoter of thyroid specific genes, has been cloned. The protein encoded by the cDNA shows binding properties indistinguishable from those of TTF‐1 present in nuclear extracts of differentiated rat thyroid cells. The DNA binding domain of TTF‐1 is a novel mammalian homeodomain that shows considerable sequence homology to the Drosophila NK‐2 homeodomain. TTF‐1 mRNA and corresponding binding activity are detected in thyroid and lung. The chromosomal localization of the TTF‐1 gene has been determined in humans and mice and corresponds to chromosomes 14 and 12, respectively, demonstrating that the TTF‐1 gene is not located within previously described clusters of homeobox‐containing genes.