Gene therapy for treatment of inherited haematological disorders

Gene therapy, a molecular medicine based on vector-mediated transfer of therapeutic genes, holds promise for a cure of monogenetic inherited diseases. In recent years, tremendous progress has been reported in the treatment of haematological disorders: clinical trials in severe combined immune deficiencies have been successful by using retroviral vectors to express target genes in haematopoietic stem cells, which after transplantation efficiently reconstituted the immune system concomitant with substantial improvement in the clinical status of patients. Conversely, unexpected adverse events were also encountered. In other work, progress towards clinical studies on ex vivo gene transfer for Fanconi anaemia and haemoglobinopathies has been made. Each approach features a unique treatment strategy and also faces various impediments to success. In the case of the X-linked bleeding disorder haemophilia, several Phase I/II clinical trials were conducted, including in vivo administration of viral vectors to skeletal muscle and liver. Adeno-associated viral gene transfer of coagulation Factor IX has been documented in human subjects, reaching therapeutic levels after infusion into a hepatic blood vessel. However, sustained expression of therapeutic levels (as shown in large animal models of haemophilia) has not yet been achieved in humans. In general, long-term follow-up will be important for assessment of the safety of all existing gene therapy strategies.