Multiple Systems Organ Failure

The correlations between the acute phase and nutritional plasma proteins and intravenous amino acid dosage have been explored in a group of 25 trauma septic patients of whom 14 survived. The two groups of patients appeared to have equal cardiopulmonary function and exogenous nutritional support. The surviving group showed significant associated changes (p ≤ 0.05) between α1 acid glycoprotein, α2 HS glycoprotein, and ceruloplasmin (acute-phase proteins) and between prealbumin, retinol-binding protein, and transferrin (nutritional proteins). There were no correlations in concentration changes between these two groups of plasma proteins. The surviving group showed significant positive correlations between the nutritional plasma protein and intravenous amino acid dosage (prealbumin, p ≤ 0.001; transferrin, P ≤ 0.008; retinol-binding protein, p ≤ 0.001; and albumin, p ≤ 0.004) but no correlations with the acute-phase proteins. The nonsurviving patients showed significant intercorrelations between the acute-phase and nutritional proteins that were not seen in the surviving patients, and showed no relationship between intravenous amino acid dosage and the plasma levels of nutritional proteins. The data are consistent with increased obligatory catabolism of amino acids in the nonsurviving patient which based upon the amino acid behavior documented in the first paper in this series probably involves the branched-chain amino acids.