Termination of Acquired Tolerance by Administration of Small Lymphocytes

Summary: Administration of small lymphocytes obtained from the lymph nodes and spleens of normal isologous donors resulted in a restoration of the capacity for antibody production in x-irradiated, neonatally tolerant rats. Unresponsiveness of tolerant animals could be terminated with as few as 5 × 106 small lymphocytes. Simultaneous injection of tolerant cells did not appear to influence this effect. Restoration of antibody production in x-irradiated rats could also be achieved with small lymphocytes from the blood, but small lymphocytes of the thymus were ineffective. The results indicate that the specific deficiency which exists in neonatal tolerance is corrected when normal small lymphocytes are given to neonatally tolerant rats. They also suggest that all other components of lymphoid tissue which may be required for the immune response retain their function in the neonatally tolerant animal.