Structure of the Jackson Personality Inventory from the Perspective of the Five-Factor Model

The generality and comprehensiveness of the five-factor model was tested using the Jackson Personality Inventory. The Interpersonal Adjective Scales Revised-B5 and the NEO Five-Factor Inventory scales were used as markers for the five-factor model. 220 introductory psychology students (104 men and 116 women) voluntarily completed the three inventories for partial course credit. Combined factor analysis of the 25 scales from the three inventories yielded six major factors. Five of these factors were similar to the five major factors of personality, namely, Extraversion, Neuroticism, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness, and the sixth factor was identified as Social Adroitness. These results supported the generality but not the comprehensiveness of the five-factor model.