Body weight change and fertility of dairy cows

Extract McClure (1961 McClure, T. J. 1961. An apparent nutritional lactational stress infertility in dairy herds. N.Z. vet. J., 9: 107–112. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] , 1965 a McClure, T. J. 1965a. Experimental evidence for the occur- rence of nutritional infertility in otherwise clinically healthy pasture-fed lactating dairy cows. Res. vet. Scl., 6: 202–208. [Google Scholar] , b McClure, T. J. 1965b. A nutritional cause of low non- return rates in dairy herds. Aust. vet. J., 41: 119–119. [Google Scholar] ), McTaggart (1961) McTaggart, H. S. 1961. Relationship between the level of milk production and fertility of dairy cows at grass. Vet. Rec., 73: 801–804. [Google Scholar] , King (1968) King, J. O. L. 1968. The relationship between the conception rate and changes in bodyweight, yield and SNF content of milk in dairy cows. Vet. Rec, 83: 492–494. [Google Scholar] and McClure and McDowell (1969) McClure, T. J. and McDowell, A. E. 1969. Survey of dairy herds in the Moss Vale District of New South Wales. 2. Fertility of Herds. Aust. vet. J., 45: 41–45. [Google Scholar] have suggested that there is correlation between dairy cattle fertility and weight change in the period before mating. Gardner (1969) Gardner, R. W. 1969. Interaction of energy levels offered to Holstein cows prepartum and postpartum II. Reproductive performance. J. Dairy Sci., 52: 1985–1987. [Google Scholar] did not support this suggestion. An analysis of records from a research farm was undertaken to test the suggestion.