Sexual Fantasy Patterns as Related to Sexual Attitude, Experience, Guilt and Sex

The present study examined the relationship between sexual attitude, experience, sex, and college students' sexual fantasies and then evaluated the relative contribution of attitudes, experience, and guilt to explicitness, fantasy length, emotionality, and frequency of sexual fantasizing. A total of 79 male and 81 female undergraduate college students volunteered for participation. Subjects completed a demographic data sheet and Sexual History Questionnaire, the Valois Attitude Checklist for self and parents, and the Mosher Forced Choice Guilt Inventory, and then wrote three of their commonly occurring fantasies. As predicted, liberal attitudes were associated with longer, more explicit fantasies, and more extensive sexual experience was associated with longer, more explicit, and more emotional fantasies. Stepwise multiple regressions suggested that sexual experience is the best overall predictor of aspects of sexual fantasies.