Molecular characterization of the Anopheles gambiae 2L telomeric region via an integrated transgene

A Drosophila P-element derivative (pUChsneo) integrated into the telomeric region of the left arm of the second chromosome of Anopheles gambiae was used to clone the proximally flanking An. gambiae sequences. Molecular analyses revealed that the pUChsneo construct was partially duplicated and had integrated into a subterminal minisatellite. This satellite has a repeat unit of 820 bp and is located exclusively at the tip of 2L. No sequence similarity to subterminal minisatellites from other dipterans was detected, but some structural features such as tandem subrepeats are shared. The end of the chromosome was mapped with respect to restriction sites in pUChsneo at approximately generation 100 after the integration event. Considering inevitable terminal nucleotide loss due to incomplete DNA replication, we conclude that the chromosome end must have undergone a dramatic elongation process since it was mapped in generation 23.