Homogeneous Growth of Zinc Oxide Whiskers

Several common modes of crystal growth provide particularly simple and elegant examples of spontaneous pattern formation not only in nature but also under artificial circumstances. We have already reported that well-organized ZnO whiskers are epitaxially grown using a chemical vapor deposition technique [Satoh et al..: Jpn. J. of Appl. Phys. 38 (1999) L586]. One aim of this study is to determine the optimum growth conditions for obtaining the structure containing homogeneous whiskers grown with a relatively high growth rate. A substrate temperature of 550°C and a vaporizing temperature of 125°C are the most appropriate for obtaining homogeneous whiskers. Whiskers are highly oriented in the a-and c-axes directions of the hexagonal structure. The growth rate reached a maximum value as high as 7.5 nm/s.