Galaxy Bias in Quintessence Cosmological Models

We derive the evolution of the linear bias factor, $b(z)$, in cosmological models driven by an exotic fluid with an equation of state: $p_{x}=w\rho_{x}$, where $-1\le w<0$ (quintessence). Our aim is to put constrains on different cosmological and biasing models by combining the recent observational clustering results of optical ({\em 2dF}) galaxies (Hawkings et al.) with those predicted by the models. We find that our bias model when fitted to the {\em 2dF} clustering results predicts different bias evolution for different values of $w$. The models that provide the weak biasing ($b_{\circ} \sim 1.1$) of optical galaxies found in many recent observational studies are flat, $\Omega_{\rm m}=0.3$ with $w\le -0.9$. These models however, predict a weak redshift evolution of $b(z)$, not corroborated by N-body simulations.

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