Development of assays for the detection of photomutagenicity of chemicals during exposure to UV light—I. Assay development

Two complementary assay systems have been adapted for the detection of compounds which may form mutagenic photoproducts during exposure to UV light from an Osram Ultra-Vitalux sunlamp as used in the evaluation of the effectiveness of sun filters. The effects of UVA and of UVB were evaluated. A bacterial plate test using Escherichia coli strain WP2 allowed the bacteria, co-plated with test chemical in soft agar, to be irradiated with various doses of UV light. Mutagenesis was assessed by scoring numbers of tryptophan-independent colonies. The chosen reference compound was 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) which was non-mutagenic alone at the highest dose tested (1000 μg/plate). Following simultaneous exposure of bacteria to 8-MOP and doses of UV light which alone had little effect, large numbers of revertants were scored. Numbers of mutants were dependent upon the doses of both 8-MOP and of UV light. The second test system involved the exposure of Chinese hamster ovary cells to UV light in the presence of test chemical to determine the clastogenic effects of photoproducts. Treatment with 8-MOP alone up to 50 μg/ml was not clastogenic but concomitant exposure to non-damaging doses of UV light caused large increases in the incidence of chromosome aberrations of all types. Damage was again dependent on the doses of both components. Two additional photoactive compounds, paraaminobenzoic acid and chlorpromazine both show photoclastogenic but not photomutagenic properties. These two complementary assay systems take advantage of using no-effect levels of UV light as a baseline against which photomutagenicity readily can be compared. Since they were both derived from conventional tests, they may provide a convenient basis for the testing of compounds likely to receive exposure to sunlight whilst in contact with the skin. Such compounds would probably not be detected as potentially mutagenic using existing routine protocols.

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