Patterns of Benzodiazepine Abuse and Dependence

Summary: Patterns of benzodiazepine abuse and dependence are not well known. Data on drug use and other demographic and clinical characteristics were collected in 176 patients consecutively referred to the Addiction Research Foundation Clinical Institute for assessment and treatment of benzodiazepine abuse and/or dependence. Objective confirmation of benzodiazepine use was obtained in 95% of subjects screened. Two groups of subjects emerged: patients who used only benzodiazepines (median daily dose: 15 mg of diazepam or equivalent) for long periods of time (56%) and those who used benzodiazepines (median daily dose: 40 mg of diazepam or equivalent) in the context of multiple drug abuse (44%). Benzodiazepines were the primary drug of abuse in 23 (32%) of the multiple drug abusers. Patients using only benzodiazepines were significantly older, took lower daily doses and their life‐time benzodiazepine exposure was lower. Diazepam was most frequently alleged in both groups, but relative preference for other benzodiazepines differed. The results have implications for recognition, assessment, management and treatment of benzodiazepine abuse and dependence.