Assessment of female urinary incontinence by introital sonography

By the use of a vaginal sector scanner, placed to the vaginal introitus (introital sonography), we studied the static and dynamic function of the urethrovesical region in patients with genuine stress incontinence and detrusor instability. Patients with genuine stress incontinence (n = 25) revealed either an increase of the retrovesical angle or the angle of inclination associated with a descent of the bladder neck during coughing. Opening of the bladder neck during cystometry, showing an increase of the detrusor pressure, was observed in patients with motor urge incontinence (n = 10). Application of the technique is recommended in patients with stress incontinence undergoing surgery for objective intraoperative assessment of successful reformation of the urethrovesical junction, irrespective of the surgical procedure. Compared with radiologic techniques, introital sonography has many advantages with no radiation exposure and with minimal inconvenience to the patient.