Mercerized cotton yarn and partially acetylated cotton yarn were irradiated with cathode rays. Mercerized yarn and partially acetylated yarns were also prepared from cathode ray irradiated cotton yarn. The copper number, the intrinsic viscosity, and the tensile strength of these samples were investigated. The results and the behavior patterns of these values were similar to those of the raw cotton yarn from which these chemically modified samples were prepared. The copper number increases with the dose levels of irradiation; the values of intrinsic viscosity decrease with the dose levels. The tensile strength increases slightly with dose levels up to 0.1 megarep and then de creases rapidly. A marked increase was noted in the tensile strength of the yarn that was irradiated at 0.1 megarep and then partially acetylated. The acetyl values of the irradiated acetylated samples were practically constant. However, at dose levels of 10 megarep and above, sharp increases in the apparent values were noted. There are indications that acrylonitrile may form a graft copolymer with cotton cellulose under the influence of gamma radiation.