Activated Protein Kinase C Isoforms Target to Cardiomyocyte Caveolae

—Protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms constitute an important component of the signal transduction pathway used by cardiomyocytes to respond to a variety of extracellular stimuli. Translocation to distinct intracellular sites represents an essential step in the activation of PKC isoforms, presumably as a prerequisite for stable access to substrate. Caveolae are specialized subdomains of the plasma membrane that are reported to concentrate key signaling proteins and may represent a locus for PKC action, given that PKC activators have been reported to dramatically alter caveolae morphology. Accordingly, this study examines whether PKC isoforms initiate signaling in cardiomyocyte caveolae. Phorbol ester–sensitive PKC isoforms were detected at very low levels in caveolae fractions prepared from unstimulated cardiomyocytes; phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) (but not 4α-PMA, which does not activate PKC) recruited calcium-sensitive PKCα and novel PKCδ and PKCε to this compartment. The subcellular localization of the phorbol ester–insensitive PKCλ isoform was not influenced by PMA. Endothelin also induced the selective translocation of PKCα and PKCε (but not PKCδ or PKCλ) to caveolae. Multiple components of the extracellular signal–regulated protein kinase (ERK) cascade, including A-Raf, c-Raf-1, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase, and ERK, were detected in caveolae under resting conditions. Although levels of these proteins were not altered by PMA, translocation of phorbol ester–sensitive PKC isoforms to caveolae was associated with the activation of a local ERK cascade as well as the phosphorylation of a ≈36-kDa substrate protein in this fraction. Finally, a minor fraction of a protein that has been designated as a receptor for activated protein kinase C resides in caveolae and (along with caveolin-3) could represent a mechanism to target PKC isoforms to cardiomyocyte caveolae. These studies identify cardiomyocyte caveolae as a meeting place for activated PKC isoforms and their downstream target substrates.