Respiratory oscillations in yeast: mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, apoptosis and time; a hypothesis

Oscillatory metabolic activities occur more widely than is generally realised; detectability requires observation over extended times of single yeast cells or synchrony of individuals to provide a coherent population. Where oscillations in intracellular metabolite concentrations are observed, the phenomenon has been ascribed to sloppy control, energetic optimisation, signalling, temporal compartmentation of incompatible reactions, or timekeeping functions. Here we emphasise the consequences of respiratory oscillations as a source of mitochondrially generated reactive O2 metabolites. Temporal co-ordination of intracellular activities necessitates a time base. This is provided by an ultradian clock, and one result of its long-term operation is cyclic energisation of mitochondria, and thereby the generation of deleterious free radical species. Our hypothesis is that unrepaired cellular constituents and components (especially mitochondria) eventually lead to cellular senescence and apoptosis when a finite number of respiratory cycles has occurred.