The phase transitions in a large class of physical systems are described by n4 component order parameters. Here, the critical behavior of quenched random n4 vector models is studied by means of renormalization-group theory in 4ε dimensions. Recursion relations for average potentials are constructed following the methods derived by Lubensky. For several Hamiltonians describing homogeneous n4 systems there exist no stable fixed points in 4ε dimensions which explains the first-order transitions actually observed in these systems. It is shown that the recursion relations for the corresponding quenched random systems are also unstable. However, the runaway in this case is of a fundamentally different nature. The fluctuations of the local mean-field transition temperature diverge, and this behavior is interpreted as a "smeared" transition. This interpretation is consistent with existing experiments. On the other hand, in the cases where the homogeneous Hamiltonian possesses a stable fixed point in 4ε dimensions, this fixed point remains stable against random perturbations, so no change in the critical behavior is expected. For most of the models studied there is at least one fixed point of order ε12. These fixed points are all unstable. It is suggested that experiments should be performed to determine the critical behavior of random n4 systems. Of particular interest are the systems with no stable fixed points, such as Cr, Eu, MnO, and UO2, where crossover from first-order to a smeared transition is predicted.