Real time K-edge subtraction x-ray imaging

This paper describes an x‐ray K‐edge subtraction television system for noninvasive angiography utilizing synchrotron radiation. The phantom, including contrast material (iodine), is irradiated by monochromatized dual‐energy x‐ray flux, alternately, using a high speed monochromator. The monochromator consists of a silicon crystal plate vibrating at 15 Hz so that the phantom is irradiated by the x‐ray flux of 150 eV above and below the K‐edge photon energy of iodine, 15 times per second. As an x‐ray detector, TV cameras optically coupled to an x‐ray image intensifier are used and the video signal is processed to display the subtraction image of pairs of successive images in real time. This system was fully implemented and moving phantoms were examined. Both the time interval between the energy change and the exposure time of each image has been shortened to 2 ms.

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