Concentration dependence of the random-field-crossover scaling in FexZn1xF2

The proportionality between the field-induced shifts ΔTc(H) and ΔTeq(H) of the transition and equilibrium temperatures Tc(H) and Teq(H) and the root-mean-square random field hRF was studied over a wide range of concentration (0.31≤x≤0.84) in the ideal random-field Ising model (RFIM) system Fex Zn1x F2. $T sub c (H)— and Teq(H) were determined experimentally from the optical birefringence Δn, for which dn)/dT exhibits a peak at Tc(H) proportional to the magnetic specific heat. Teq(H) was determined from the point above which zero-field-cooled and field-cooled measurements gave identical results. For all x studied, Tc(H) and Teq(H) were found to shift from the H=0 transition at TN as [ΔTc(H),ΔTeq(H)]=[c,ceq] TN hRF2/φ as predicted, with φ=1.42±0.03, the universal random exchange to RFIM crossover exponent, after a mean-field correction bH2. The nonuniversal quantities c and ceq were found to be of order unity as expected, but slightly x dependent. An empirical x dependence for c and ceq is suggested. This analysis is applied to existing data on Mnx Zn1x