Precise Control of End-tidal Carbon Dioxide Levels Using Sequential Rebreathing Circuits

Anaesthesiologists have traditionally been consulted to help design breathing circuits to attain and maintain target end-tidal carbon dioxide (PETCO2). The methodology has recently been simplified by breathing circuits that sequentially deliver fresh gas (not containing carbon dioxide (CO2)) and reserve gas (containing CO2). Our aim was to determine the roles of fresh gas flow, reserve gas PCO2 and minute ventilation in the determination of PETCO2. We first used a computer model of a non-rebreathing sequential breathing circuit to determine these relationships. We then tested our model by monitoring PETCO2 in human volunteers who increased their minute ventilation from resting to five times resting levels. The optimal settings to maintain PETCO2 independently of minute ventilation are 1) fresh gas flow equal to minute ventilation minus anatomical deadspace ventilation, and 2) reserve gas PCO2 equal to alveolar PCO2. We provide an equation to assist in identifying gas settings to attain a target PCO2. The ability to precisely attain and maintain a target PCO2 (isocapnia) using a sequential gas delivery circuit has multiple therapeutic and scientific applications.