Venous lipodermatosclerosis: treatment by fibrinolytic enhancement and elastic compression.

The value of fibrinolytic enhancement with an anabolic steroid (stanozolol) combined with elastic stockings in treating venous lipodermatosclerosis was assessed in a six-month double-blind cross-over trial. Thirty-four legs of 23 patients in whom other treatments had failed were studied. The patients were randomly divided into two groups who were treated with either stanozolol plus elastic stockings or placebo plus elastic stockings for three months, and then vice versa. Treatment with or without stanozolol caused the area of lipodermatosclerosis to decrease, but the rate of healing when patients took stanozolol was double that when they took the placebo, and this was assumed to be biologically important. Stanozolol also reduced the incidence of extravascular fibrin detected in skin biopsy specimens. The elastic stocking with placebo produced significant decreases in leg volume, ankle circumference, and skin thickness. Stanozolol is valuable in treating intractable lipodermatosclerosis, giving relief of pain and reducing induration, inflammation, tenderness, and pigmentation.