The Influence of Allogeneic Cells on the Human T and B Cell Repertoire

Clinical transplantation is often complicated by rejection episodes, in which the immune system of the recipient reacts to the foreign transplantation (HLA) antigens on the graft. This immune response includes humoral and cellular components. In the first, B lymphocytes form antibodies to the HLA alloantigens. In the second, CD8 + T lymphocytes recognize and react to HLA class I antigens, and CD4 + T cells react to HLA class II antigens. The frequency and severity of these rejection episodes can be diminished by immunosuppressive drugs, HLA matching between donor and recipient, and immune modulation by blood transfusion. Effective HLA matching between donor and recipient is not always possible and often not necessary. Insight into the factors that influence the T and B cell repertoire after blood transfusion might lead to new approaches to improve graft survival.