Studies of adult T-cell leukaemia virus/human T-cell leukaemia/lymphotropic viruses (ATLV/HTLV-I) in Japan indicate that the virus is involved only with the development of ATL. By contrast, reports from the U.S.A. about HTLV have from time to time claimed that related HTLV are concerned not only with ATL of black persons, but also with a wide range of diseases, such as mycosis fungoides/Sezary's syndrome, T-cell hairy cell leukaemia, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and also multiple sclerosis. Using morphological, biological, serological and molecular hybridisation studies, we were able to confirm that the viruses implicated in the development of ATL and AIDS are distinct and that ATLV/HTLV-I is involved only in ATL, and HIV/LAV/HTLV-III only in AIDS. In vitro, ATLV/HTLV-I transformed and immortalised T-cells, while HIV/LAV/HTLV-III killed our T-cells. Failure to detect any serological cross-reaction indicates that all the structural proteins are different. Likewise, Southern blot studies failed to reveal any cross-hybridisation. Sixty patients with multiple sclerosis failed to reveal any association with ATLV/HTLV-I or with HIV/LAV/HTLV-III. Our conclusion is that ATLV/HTLV-I is involved only in ATL of Japanese and of some black persons of African origin, and that HIV/LAV/HTLV-III is associated only in AIDS.