High-Level Fault Tolerance in Distributed Programs,

We have been developing high-level checkpoint and restart methods for Dome (Distributed Object Migration Environment), a C++ library of data-parallel objects that are automatically distributed using PVM. There are several levels of programming abstraction at which fault tolerance mechanisms can be designed: high-level, where the checkpoint and restart are built into our C++ objects, but the program structure is severely consrained; high-level with preprocessing, where a preprocessor inserts extra C++ statements into the code to facilitate checkpoint and restart; and low-level, where periodically an interrupt causes a memory image to be written out. Because we consider portability (both of our libraries and of the checkpoints they produce) to be an important goal, we focus on the higher-level checkpointing methods. In addition, we describe an implementation of high-level checkpointing, demonstrate it on multiple architectures, and show that it is efficient enough to provide good expected run times with low overhead, even in the case of frequent failures.

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