Congenital Telencephalic Midline Defects

The analysis of various types of telencephalic midline defects amounting for 27 per cent of a randomly collected human post mortem series of CNS malformations, and consideration of their morphogenesis demonstrate the close relationship of these developmental anomalies within a uniform teratological series ranging from cyclopia and holoprosencephaly (arhinencephaly) to partial agenesis of the corpus callosum and persistent cavum septi pellucidi. Occasional combination of various manifestations of dysgenesis of telencephalic midline structures and frequent association with anomalies of the face and other areas of the CNS are emphasized. These and other developmental disorders are polyetiological defects, the manifestation of which relates to a temporal spectrum in the stage of morphogenesis at which the anomaly occurs rather than to a quantitative or qualitative variety of etiological lesions. 10 Paper, read at the 4th. Int. Conf. on Birth Defects, September 2–8, 1973, Vienna, Austria.

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