Quasicrystallinity in theTi2Ni(Si) system

We report the first fabrication of quasicrystals (QC’s) coexisting with equilibrium-phase Ti2Ni, in rapidly quenched Ti56 Ni28 Si16. The QC phase is paramagnetic with χ0=2.7×106 emu/g Oe (as compared to icosahedral Al80 Mn20, for which χ0=1.43×106 emu/g Oe) and shows a small effective moment of 0.05μB per Ni atom. The susceptibility of the icosahedral phase is greater than that of the equilibrium phase where Ni atoms occupy sites of nearly icosahedral symmetry. Heat treating at or above 1000 °C for several hours crystallizes the QC phase.