The proton magnetic resonance line of the powdered ethylene platinous chloride dimer complex has a second moment of 13.68 ± 1 gauss2 at 77 °K and an over-all line width of 11.15 ± 0.4 gauss. Measurements at various temperatures between 77° and 329 °K show that both second moment and line width decrease slightly with temperature. The mean separation of the doublet observed at 77 °K is found to be 4.80 ± 0.3 g.The results are interpreted in terms of a distorted ethylene molecule whose interproton distances correspond to an intermediate structure between ethylene and an ethane in a cis configuration but with two of the cis protons removed. This is consistent with earlier studies of the Raman spectrum. The π-type bond formed between a metal d orbital and an ethylene π* orbital is also consistent with the lack of rotation of ethylene at elevated temperatures.Available results from high-resolution proton resonance studies of ethylene complexed to metal atoms in solutions is discussed.

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