Allowed Domains in Theories of Broken Chiral Symmetry

We consider theories in which the explicit breaking of the chiral symmetry SU3×SU3 of the energy density Θ00 is of the form ε0u0+ε8u8, where ε0, ε8 are real constants and u0 and u8 are scalar densities in the representation (3,3¯)+(3¯,3). We propose an extension of this picture, in which the SU3×SU3-invariant part of Θ00 has the form Θ¯00+ε9u9, where Θ¯00 is U3×U3 invariant and the SU3×SU3-invariant scalar u9 breaks U3×U3 in a specific way. Specifically, it is assumed that the ninth axial charge F05 transforms u9 into a pseudoscalar v9 according to i[F05,u9]=κv9, where i[F05,v9]=κu9. (The parameter κ labels the representation.) Given this group structure, the analysis of Okubo and Mathur may be extended to find allowed domains for the symmetry-breaking parameters ε0, ε8, ε9 and the vacuum expectation values u0, u8, and u9. The positivity conditions now restrict u9 so that the allowed domains occupy certain volumes in a three-dimensional space.