Visualization for understanding of neurodynamical systems

Complex neurodynamical systems are quite difficult to analyze and understand. New type of plots are introduced to help in visualization of high-dimensional trajectories and show global picture of the phase space, including relations between basins of attractors. Color recurrence plots (RPs) display distances from each point on the trajectory to all other points in a two-dimensional matrix. Fuzzy Symbolic Dynamics (FSD) plots enhance this information mapping the whole trajectory to two or three dimensions. Each coordinate is defined by the value of a fuzzy localized membership function, optimized to visualize interesting features of the dynamics, showing to which degree a point on the trajectory belongs to some neighborhood. The variance of the trajectory within the attraction basin plotted against the variance of the synaptic noise provides information about sizes and shapes of these basins. Plots that use color to show the distance between each trajectory point and a larger number of selected reference points (for example centers of attractor basins) are also introduced. Activity of 140 neurons in the semantic layer of dyslexia model implemented in the Emergent neural simulator is analyzed in details showing different aspects of neurodynamics that may be understood in this way. Influence of connectivity and various neural properties on network dynamics is illustrated using visualization techniques. A number of interesting conclusions about cognitive neurodynamics of lexical concept activations are drawn. Changing neural accommodation parameters has very strong influence on the dwell time of the trajectories. This may be linked to attention deficits disorders observed in autism in case of strong enslavement, and to ADHD-like behavior in case of weak enslavement.