Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic analysis of homoallylic andbis homoallylic substituted methyl fatty ester derivatives

Using a combination of selective irradiation1H nuclear magnetic resonance experiments and two-dimensional1H−13C correlation spectroscopy spectral analysis of homoallylic andbis homoallylic substituted (azido, acetoxy, chloro and oxo) fatty ester derivatives, the carbon shifts of the ethylenic carbon atoms were determined. In the case of methyl 12-azido-9Z-octadecenoate (homoallylic), the carbon chemical shifts of the ethylenic C-9 and C-10 carbon nuclei are 133.092 and 124.596 ppm, respectively. In methyl 9-azido-12Z-octadecenoate (bis homoallylic), the carbon chemical shift of the ethylenic C-12 and C-13 carbon nuclei are 128.118 and 131.243 ppm, respectively.