Constitutive mutation of cysJIH operon in a cysB deletion strain of Salmonella typhimurium

In a cysB deletion strain a new mutation, denoted cys-2332 was isolated, which causes the constitutive expression of the cysJIH operon. cys-2332 is closely linked to cysJIH and presumably is located in the initiator region of this operon, rendering its expression independent of the cysB gene product and the internal inducer O-acetyl-L-serine. The presence of salfite reductase (encoded by cysI and cysJ) activity in a cysB - cys-2332 double mutant indicates that cysG, which is not linked to cysJIH but is required for the synthesis of the sulfite reductase co-factor siroheme, is not controlled by cysB.