This paper summarizes observations of many years upon Protoparce sexta and P. quinquemaculata. General descriptions of both spp. are given. Preferred food plants of adults are flowers of Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) and Catalpa speciosa. Stages of both species are: egg, 4 days; larva, 22; prepupa, 4; pupa, 21, total, 51 days. A few pupae hibernate 2 years or longer. Severe damage to tobacco may occur due to feeding by the later instars of hornworms. Nearly 2 square feet of leaf area is required to mature a larva. A list of predators and parasites for all stages of both spp. is presented. Fall plowing usually destroys 90% of overwintering pupae. Wild birds and animals, together with domestic fowls, aid in the control.