Unique Structural Features That Influence Neutrophil Emigration Into the Lung

Neutrophil emigration in the lung differs substantially from that in systemic vascular beds where extravasation occurs primarily through postcapillary venules. Migration into the alveolus occurs directly from alveolar capillaries and appears to progress through a sequence of steps uniquely influenced by the cellular anatomy and organization of the alveolar wall. The cascade of adhesive and stimulatory events so critical to the extravasation of neutrophils from postcapillary venules in many tissues is not evident in this setting. Compelling evidence exists for unique cascades of biophysical, adhesive, stimulatory, and guidance factors that arrest neutrophils in the alveolar capillary bed and direct their movement through the endothelium, interstitial space, and alveolar epithelium. A prominent path accessible to the neutrophil appears to be determined by the structural interactions of endothelial cells, interstitial fibroblasts, as well as type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells.