An assessment of varietal resistance to chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) infection of field beans (Vicia faba L.), with some indications of its heritability and mode of inheritance

Varietal differences in resistance to non-aggressive chocolate spot infection were detected in the field, although complete resistance was not observed. Following artificial inoculation under growth-room conditions, a parent–offspring regression of disease scores for the heterogeneous stock Chivers was estimated as 0·51 ± 0·24, and although this cannot be regarded as a reliable heritability estimate, it demonstrates a degree of additive genetic control. An F2 diallel cross, under field conditions, indicated resistance to be controlled mainly by dominant alleles within a system of partial dominance. Detached-leaf tests indicated that within virtually complete dominance systems, dominant alleles facilitate fungal penetration and induce a hypersensitive response within the leaf. Control of further lesion development was indicated to be effected by a virtually complete additive system.

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