Quantitative Studies on the Group-Specific Substances in Human Blood and Saliva

Summary: A method is presented for standardizing isoagglutinating sera to be used for estimating the concentration of group-substances in blood and secretions. It is shown that when the maximal dilution of blood or saliva that neutralizes the isoagglutinating serum or serum-dilution is plotted against serum-dilution, the curves for saliva and blood are quite different. This makes it difficult to determine the relative amounts of group-substances in blood and saliva. The cause for the difference in the curves is presumably related to the intrinsic difference in the test-methods for blood and secretions, namely, the absorptive and inhibitive technics, respectively. The experiments described for the standardization of sera were performed with the blood and saliva of a single group-B individual. Anti-B sera from various sources gave quite different findings, so that it was not possible to predict the results merely from the concentration of agglutinins in the serum or serum-dilution. In the absorptive tests the blood of different group-B individuals were found to give equivalent results whether they were secretors or non-secretors. Moreover, the saliva of different group-B secretors, or of the same group-B individual at different times, was found to be relatively constant in its content of group-specific substance. Saliva, accordingly, is a particularly favorable material for use as a basis for standardization of quantitative studies on group-specific substances.

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