Emission of Alpha Particles in the Fission ofU238by 11- to 21-MeV Protons

The rate of emission of alpha particles in coincidence with fission has been measured for U238 bombarded with protons of energies 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 21 MeV. The results of these measurements may be summarized by the formula Yα=(1.53±0.18)+(0.044±0.010)Ep, where Yα is the number of alpha particles per thousand fissions and Ep is the incident proton energy in MeV. For spontaneous fission of Cf252, Yα is now known to include (2±1)% of He6 and possibly much smaller amounts of slightly heavier particles. Yα increases by about 2.2% per MeV from 11 to 21 MeV, with no evidence for a minimum in this range. The angular correlations between alpha particles and fission fragments have been measured at 11-, 15-, 17-, and 21-MeV proton energy and for the spontaneous fission of Cf252. When corrected for the angular resolution of the detectors, the distributions are found to be approximately Gaussian with means and standard deviations 94±0.3° (center-of-mass) and 14.7±0.4° (nearly independent of incident proton energy) for the induced fission, and 93±0.6° and 12.0±0.4° for Cf252. Absolute values of Yα were obtained relative to the absolute rate of emission of alpha particles from the spontaneous fission of Cf252 as given in the literature and by an independent measurement reported in this paper.