Actinocephalus carrilynnae, a new species of actinocephalid gregarine, is described from the blue damselfly, Enallagma civile. Trophozoites are unpaired, lying between the host's gut epithelium and peritrophic membrane, and attain a maximum length of at least 1,700 μm. Protomerites are subspherical. Epimerites are globular, hemispherical with stub‐shaped or truncated cone‐shaped projections and are attached to the protomerite by means of a fluted stalk. Protomerite‐deutomerite length ratio is 0.12 and relatively constant regardless of trophozoite length. Gametocysts are subspherical, 270–280 μm in diameter, and undergo sporogenesis in 24–36 h, dehiscing by rupture. Spores are biconical, slightly crescent‐shaped, and very uniform in size: 15 μm long and 4–5 μm wide. The parasite infects both adult and naiad hosts.