Introduction This report is an analysis of clinical data derived from a study of 91 patients with Hodgkin's disease. Special attention was paid to the blood picture before therapy, the effects of therapy, and the prognostic significance of certain manifestations of Hodgkin's disease. No attempt has been made to review all the literature on this subject, as this has been done adequately in the past by others.1-4 However, when indicated, appropriate references to the literature will be made. Material All patients referred to one of us (M. M. W.) during the 10½-year period from May 1, 1945, to Oct. 31, 1955, who had pathologically proved Hodgkin's disease are included in this series. The 91 cases thus available came from the Salt Lake County General Hospital and the Salt Lake Veterans Hospital and from various parts of Utah and neighboring states. At each visit to this clinic, a complete or