Bottomless harbours

Does the harbour of an artificial island need a bottom? The excitation of waves inside a partially immersed open circular cylinder is considered. An incident plane wave is expanded in Bessel functions and for each mode the problem is formulated in terms of the radial displacement on the cylindrical interface below the cylinder. The solution is obtainable either from an infinite set of simultaneous equations or from an integral equation. It is shown that the phase of the solution is independent of depth and resonances are found at wave-numbers close to those of free oscillations in a cylinder extending to the bottom. If the resonances of the cylinder are made sharper (by increasing the depth of immersion) the peak response of the harbour increases, but the response to a continuous spectrum remains approximately constant. Numerical results are obtained by minimizing the least squares error of a finite numberNof simultaneous equations. Convergence is slow, but the error is roughly proportional to 1/Nand this is exploited. The solution obtained from a variational formulation using the incoming wave as a trial function is found to give a very good approximation for small wave-numbers, but is increasingly inaccurate for large wave-numbers. Away from resonance the amplitude of the harbour oscillation is less than 10% of the amplitude of the incoming wave provided the depth of the cylinder is greater than about ¼ wavelength, and it is argued that in practice at the resonant wave-number oscillations excited through the bottom of the harbour will leak out through the entrance before they can reach large amplitudes. In an appendix the excitation of harbour oscillations through the harbour entrance is discussed, and some results of Miles & Munk (1961) on an alleged harbour paradox are re-interpreted.

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