Isopropylm-chlorocarbanilate (chlorpropham) at 6.7 kg/ha applied in mid April controlled dodder(Cuscuta campestrisYunck. andCuscuta indecoraChoisy) that emerged in May but did not consistently control dodder that emerged in June. Mid March applications sometimes controlled dodder that emerged in May but did not control that which emerged in June. Whenp-chlorophenylN-methylcarbamate (PCMC), an inhibitor of microbial enzyme activity, at 1.7 kg/ha was applied with chlorpropham at 6.7 kg/ha in mid March or mid February, dodder that emerged in May and June was controlled consistently. A reduced rate (4.5 plus 1.1 kg/ha) of the combined materials applied in mid March also consistently controlled dodder that emerged in May and June.