In a previous paper, I1 described 9 orbital reticulosarcomata, showing that they are the most common form of reticulosis and malignant tumors of the orbit in Egypt. The tumor affects any age and either sex. In all the described cases the liver and spleen were not enlarged. In 8 cases the blood and sternal bone marrow counts and in 7 cases the lymph glands were normal. One case showed reticulosarcomata of axillary and inguinal lymph glands and blood eosinophilia. Another case showed affection of secondary cervical lymph glands. Although reticulosarcomata usually occur without leukemia (aleukemic reticulosis), yet in rare cases, as described by Whitby and Britton,2 monocytic leukemia is present. Monocytic leukemia is nearly always acute in form, death usually occurring within 3 to 6 months of the disease onset. The chronic form of the disease as stated by Hayhoe3 and others has rarely been reported. Monocytic