Mean Lifetime of the Neutral Pion

An estimate of the mean lifetime of the π0 meson has been obtained from an experiment employing a direct time-of-flight technique first attempted by Harris et al. in 1957. This method is based upon the observation in nuclear emulsion of the decay of the Kπ2+ meson (K+π++π0) and the subsequent decay of the π0 via the Dalitz mode, π0e++e+γ. In the present experiment we were able to utilize a new fine-grained emulsion (Ilford L.4) that yielded markedly improved resolution. The availability of the separated K+ beam from the Bevatron at Berkeley permitted detection and measurement of 76 Dalitz decays. We obtain, for the mean lifetime of the π0, τ=(1.9±0.5)×1016 sec.