Differential Gene Expression in the Gastrula of Xenopus laevis

A modified cloning method designed to produce differential complementary DNA libraries permits the isolation of sequences that are present in the RNA population of any developmental stage or tissue, but are not present or are much less abundant in another stage or tissue. Selective complementary DNA cloning is especially useful when the differentially expressed RNA's are of low to moderate abundance in the cells in which they occur. A class of cytoplasmic polyadenylated RNA's differentially expressed in gastrula embryos of Xenopus laevis (DG RNA's) has been isolated. These DG RNA's occur very rarely or not at all in unfertilized eggs and blastulae, accumulate as the result of transcription before and during gastrulation, and, with some exceptions, decline in abundance as development proceeds. Many of these RNA molecules appear to be translated at the gastrula stage. Thus, DG RNA's may encode proteins that are important in the process of gastrulation.