Experience with multiple approaches to the prenatal diagnosis of the fragile X syndrome: Amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, fetal blood and molecular methods

We have had experience with 160 prenatal diagnosis cases for the fragile X syndrome [fra(X)] or Martin-Bell Syndrome. In 140, amniotic fluid was utilized; 98 had a documented family history of fra(X). The 94 completed cases included 4 no growth; 56 males of which 7 were fra(X)-positive and 2 false-negative; 38 females of which 5 were fra(X) positive. There was no fra(X) positive result when a family history of mental retardation was not documented as fra(X). Molecular methods (RFLPs) were utilized in 10 amniotic fluid and 5 chorionic villus specimens (CVS). Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling was used in 2 negative cases and 1 fra(X) positive case because of timing, tissue culture failure or confirmation of another method. CVS were received in 13 cases, and RFLPs were utilized in 5 of the CVS cases. There was no positive fra(X) CVS chromosome result in males, 1 positive result in a female, but 2 false negatives were detected by RFLPs.