Photoassociation of atoms in ultracold collisions probed by wave-packet dynamics

Photoassociation in laser-assisted collisions of ultracold alkali atoms has been used recently to perform high-precision spectroscopy of very-long-range states. Rovibrational spectra close to the Na(3 2S)+Na*(3 2 P3/2) dissociation limit have been obtained by monitoring an enhanced Na2+ ion signal. We propose the use of pump-probe techniques to study the dynamics of the ionization process. At very large distances (typically 70 a.u.) two colliding Na atoms absorb a photon and form a coherent vibrational wave packet. We follow the packet in time and probe two possible mechanisms that are proposed to yield molecular ions: photoionization, where the second photon is absorbed at a small internuclear distance R directly ionizing the molecule, and associative ionization with excitation at intermediate R to the nuclear continuum of a doubly excited state followed by a half collision and autoionization at small R. The latter event can also lead to dissociation of the complex. The two mechanisms lead to distinct differences in the ion signals as a function of delay time between the pump and the probe pulses. Estimates of the ion rates to be expected in actual pump-probe experiments are given, which tend to favor the autoionization mechanism as the dominant reaction path.