Observation of a NewDsMeson Decaying toDKat a Mass of2.86GeV/c2

We observe a new Ds meson with mass (2856.6±1.5stat±5.0syst)MeV/c2 and width (48±7stat±10syst)MeV/c2 decaying into D0K+ and D+KS0. In the same mass distributions, we also observe a broad structure with mass (2688±4stat±3syst)MeV/c2 and width (112±7stat±36syst)MeV/c2. To obtain this result, we use 240fb1 of data recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e storage rings at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center running at center-of-mass energies near 10.6 GeV.