In analyzing the morphogenesis of an experimentally induced congenital defect, estimation of the direct effect of the teratogen on offspring is of a great importance. In order to avoid the probable modification of the terato‐genic action of a given substance caused by the placental barrier and maternal metabolism, it is useful to apply the teratogen directly into the anmiotic sac of the embryo or fetus. However, it has been claimed that puncture of the amniotic sac both in mice and rats may itself induce cleft palate. An intraamnioticinjection method worked out in our laboratory diminishes the occurrence of cleft palate caused by nonspecific factors to a uniform and fairly negligible level. The application is performed by means of a glass micropipette provided with sharp, beveled tip. Using this method hydrocortisone was injected into the amniotic sacs of embryos and fetuses of randombred H‐Velaz mice, and it was shown that administration on day 12, 13, or 14 of gestation induced cleft palate. The direct action of corticoids upon the morphogenetic system of the palatine shelves is therefore supposed.