A problem for health education practice is how to interest people in making a health behavior change and maintain that interest throughout the behavior change process. Beliefs can provide motivational force for people to perform health behaviors. Five theories: 1) Diffusion of Innovations (DIT); 2) Health Belief Model (HBM); 3) Reasoned Action (TRA); 4) Locus of Control (LOC); and 5) Social Learning (SLT), are reviewed for motivational factors in promoting health behavior changes at each of six stages in the behavior change process: precontemplation, decision, training, initiation, and maintenance. A degree of overlap and complementariness are identified among the theories resulting in a syntheoretical model of beliefs as motivators in the behavior change process. The common emphasis among the theories on expectancies or cost-benefit calculations is highlighted, suggesting several strategies for employing these considerations in health education campaigns. The paucity of motivational ideas for promoting change among the externally controlled—late majority is noted. Further research must be conducted before these ideas should be generally implemented in practice.